

5 consejos para ayudar a combatir el cambio climático
1. Utilizar el transporte público Utiliza medios de transporte sostenibles, como la bicicleta, o usa más el transporte público. Cada kilómetro que aumentas la velocidad en el coche, aumenta considerablemente el CO2 y el gasto. 2. Ahorrar energía Fíjate en...
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5 consejos para evitar el consumo de plástico
Con unos simples hábitos podemos evitar la invasión de plásticos que ahoga nuestros mares. Aquí tienes algunos consejos para evitarlos y ayudar a reducirlos: 1. No utilices bolsas de plástico o biodegradables Aunque sean biodegradables, estas bolsas tardan entre 1...
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7.126 €  donated thanks to you!
Our company, like many others, has been affected by the current global Covid-19 pandemic. We would like to share our situation with you and the small contribution we are trying to give to help stop it. Like you, we love...
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WWF - friendly Company
Climate change is present in every corner of the planet, and in less than a generation, wildlife has been halved. The future will depend on what we do in the coming years. It is a challenge, but we have this opportunity,...
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Supermarkets without plastic: Yes, Future
8.3 billion tonnes is the amount of plastic produced in the world. This figure was calculated by Roland Geyer in his 2017 article "Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made". It is, without doubt, an impressive figure. If...
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