5 ideas for decorating with LED lights

Light represents a crucial aspect of any decoration; it helps in creating the atmosphere and highlights our favourite corners. It's incredible how we can completely change a space just by adding some light in the right spots.
Recently, light has become a fundamental part of space design. There is nothing like coming back home and finding a cosy and relaxed environment where you can feel comfortable and rest after a long day.
Here 5 ways to make the most of your favourite corners by adding some light:
1. Light the decorative elements up
The garlands of light help us to decorate our unique corners creating a dreamy, cosy and welcoming atmosphere. And since it is a very flexible type of lighting, you can take it off or move it whenever you want. Our LED light garland is perfect for decorating any Woody Map. It will highlight your travels and help you keep the desire for adventure alive.
2. Decorate with Sustainable Lamps
Incorporate recycling into your lifestyle. Don't throw bottles away! Clean them well and give them a place of honour in your home. Just add some light on the first bottle, let out the extension and repeat with the next ones - the result will be surprising!
3. Make your memories shine
Surround yourself with the most beautiful memories, give the place they deserve to your favourite photos and all those moments you want to remember forever. Frame your Woody Map with a garland of soft lights or create a path of lights near your Polaroids to give them visibility.
4. Let your stairs sparkle
If you have stairs at home, highlight them with a garland of lights. As well as intensifying the light in an area of the house that is usually abandoned, it will create a new light point making it easier to climb up and down. A decoration very easy to create for a surprising result.
5. Candlelight
Candles can help you create a unique and welcoming atmosphere. Here you will find an article with more ideas. Candlelight creates an incredible state of peace. Use them as a decorative accessory by placing them on shelves, individually or in groups, depending on the space. The result is terrific. One important detail: always remember to turn them off before going to sleep.
Finally, you need to take into account many factors when it comes to decorating with lights - the environment, the colour of the walls and the characteristics of the fabrics in the room. These factors are as decisive for the final result as for any other decoration solution.
We would love to see the result of your decoration with lights. Be inspired and tag us on Instagram or upload a photo in the comments!