Miss Wood Mask - Hygienic, reusable and made in Spain

Miss Wood Mask - Higiénica, reutilizable y hecha en España

The current situation of Covid-19 has made us reflect on how our actions influence our future. We are responsible TODAY for how the generations of tomorrow will live. We cannot predict the future, but it is in our hands to make our Planet a better place.

Miss Wood Mask

I want to tell you something I hope you like as much as I do! At Miss Wood we want to do our bit and that is why we have designed and made a safe, original mask, 100% made in Spain, which complies with the UNE 0065:2020 standard and includes 3 interchangeable filters used in the FFP2 masks, as well as a mask holder to prevent contagion and easy to store.

After 3 months of work, we are proud to present you the Miss Wood Mask. Several weeks ago we started a journey towards a new "normality", and from Miss Wood we want this journey to have the least possible impact on our planet. ⁠

5 important facts about our mask

I want to tell you a little more about our mask and the main characteristics that differentiate it from other masks:

1. Fabric

The Miss Wood Mask is designed by 2 layers of fabric composed of 95% organic cotton and 5% elastane. We use organic cotton instead of polyester, so your skin won't be irritated. The elastic bands are covered with the same organic cotton so that it is very comfortable to wear and your ears do not suffer.

The fabric is washable (60º and 110 washes) and complies with the UNE 0065:2020 specifications (ITEL test 19526). We recommend that the red and blue models be washed with coloured clothes, and the grey model with white clothes. This will prevent the colours from mixing.

*In the product characteristics you will find all the official documents and certifications.

2. Design and manufacture

The Miss Wood Mask is made in a local company located in Sant Quirze del Vallès, complying with all safety and health regulations. The person in charge is called Saúl, and we would love you to meet him very soon. Saúl is a wedding dress maker who, like many other people, has been affected by the work situation during confinement. But as you know, CRISIS is not only a negative concept. For many, it means opportunity. And Saul has sought and found it. He makes our masks by hand in his workshop.

Once they are ready, we pick them up and bring them to our workshop to give them the final touch. We print them, also manually, with water-based, vegan silk-screen printing ink. PROTECT THE WORLD, ENJOY THE PLANET.

*It is important for you to know that during the whole handling process, gloves are used so as not to come into direct contact with the fabric.

3. Proveil® filters grade B

Here comes the more technical part that surely there are things that do not even sound, but it is very important for your protection.

The mask includes 3 Proveil® grade B filters. Filters used in FFP2 filtering masks (Check here the results) The Proveil® filter grade B is commercialized under ISO 9001 & 13485. All tests have been carried out according to EN149 by the Spanish certification organization AITEX.

The filters are placed through the upper opening of the mask. It is recommended to use the filter for a maximum of 24 hours under standard conditions. If you are exposed to a high viral load (hospitals, nursing homes...) It is recommended to change the filter every 12h maximum.

Washable filter (although certification is not yet available). The manufacturer has carried out several tests and all results indicate that Proveil® grade B filters maintain their properties after 15 washes (15 minutes each) in water at 92º temperature. It is scientifically proven that at that temperature and during that time all the contagious strains of Covid-19 are eliminated. Washing must be done by hand, not in a washing machine.

*In the product characteristics you will find all the official documents and certifications.

4. 1 mask = 1 Euro against Covid-19

In addition to fighting the generation of unnecessary waste with our Miss Wood Mask, we want to continue donating to research centres that fight against the coronavirus. And that is why, for every purchase made, whether it is a mask or any other product from our website, a percentage of your purchase goes directly to the foundation IRSicaixa. Foundation with which we have been collaborating since the beginning of the pandemic and to which we have already contributed 4,226 euros (and counting).

*Consult here all the information

5. Recycling

As you know, even though the mask is made of fabric, its life span lasts up to approximately 110 washings. We want you to not throw it away after use. We are looking for the best way for you to return it to us (free of charge for you) so that a company specializing in textile recycling can give you a second chance. In this way, we will be helping to implement a circular economy. Although right now we do not have a specific association or company, we want to explain that we are looking for the one that best suits our needs. And that when we have it, if you are one of the people who has our mask, you will receive an email with all the instructions.

Now that you know everything about our mask, we encourage you to try it and tell us how it works! We are sure you will love it! You will be helping a lot of people just by buying a unit. To us as a company, to Saul as a manufacturer and to the IrsiCaixa Foundation for the fight against the coronavirus. The most important thing of all, is that you will be protecting yourself and your environment.

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